ICESP VII – Kyongju, Korea, 1998
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP). The following is a list of papers from the VII ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
KL-1 Series – Keynote Lectures
- KL01 What?s New of China ESP
- KL02 Japanese State-of the-Art for Non-thermal Plasma
- KL03 Practical Problems with Electrostatic Precipitators Can Provide Significant Contribution to Science
- KL04 Analysis of ESP Parameters Critical for control of fine Particulate Matter
- KL05 Why Does ESLP Possess Better Performance?
FP-1 Series – Fundamentals and Physics
- FP01 The Evaluation of Collection Efficiency on Electrostatic Precipitator by Visibility Index
- FP02 Fundamental Principles of Similarity with Reference to the Collection Efficiency of an ESP
- FP03 Onset Voltages of Back Corona for Various Layer Thickness and Gas Temperature in Wire-Cylinder Type Electrostatic Precipitator
- FP04 The Role of Corona Wind in Electrostatic Precipitation
- FP05 Influence of Lypophile on Preventing Re-entrainment in Spraying Surfactant Type Electrostatic Precipitators
FP-2 Series – Fundamentals and Physics
- FP06 An Analysis of the Effect of Carbon in Ash Levels on ESP Performance
- FP07 Experiment on Collection Characteristics of 2-Stage Parallel-Plate ESP in 0.01-0.1 Particle Size Range
- FP08 Field Test of An Electrostatic Precipitation Unit for Road Tunnel
- FP09 Characteristics of a Model Two-Stage Precipitator
- FP10 Influence of Contaminated Discharging Electrode and Collection Plates on Particle Collection Characteristics of ESP
FP-3 Series – Fundamentals and Physics
- FP11 In-situ Measurement of Local Particle Fluxes in a Laboratory-scaled ESP
- FP12 Influence of Dust Particles on V-I Characteristics in an Electrostatic Precipitator
- FP13 A Preliminary Study on the Adhesive Forces of Precipitated Dust Layer
- FP14 Experimental Studies on the Dielectric Substances in Fly Ash
- FP15 An Experimental Study of Electrostatic Precipitator Plate Rapping and Reentrainment
FP-4 Series – Fundamentals and Physics
- FP16 Studies of Rapping Reentrainment from Electrostatic Precipitators
- FP17 Research in Formation of a Dust Layer on Precipitation Electrodes of the Electric Precipitator oat an Alternating Polarity Power Supply
- FP18 Combines Pulse and Alternating Polarity Power Supply to Increase the Efficiency of Dust Cleaning
- FP19 An Experimental Study of Electrical Agglomeration of Fine Particles in an Alternating Electric Field
- FP20 Electrostatic Precipitator Skew Gas Flow Technology Application and Quantification
- FP21 The Turbulent Transport Process of Charged Dust Particles in Electrostatic Precipitator
PP-1 Series – Plasma Process
- PP01 Optimization of Pulsed Corona Discharge for Flue Gas Treatment
- PP02 Investigation on SO2 and NOX Removal from Flue Gas by Pulsed Corona Discharge
- PP03 Effects of Chemical Additives on Pulse Corona Process to Treat Combustion Flue Gases
- PP04 Removal of the Aerosol Particles Formed in PPCP and EBDS by a Novel ESP
- PP05 Investigation of NOX, SO2 Oxidation and CO Formation in Flue Gas by Nanosecond Streamer Corona
PP-2 Series – Plasma Process
- PP06 DeNOx Pilot Scale Experiment with Exhaust From Stainless Steel Production Plant
- PP07 Non-thermal Plasma Processing for De-NOX/SOX
- PP08 SUENTP Code Simulations of Scaleup and Economic Evaluation of Non-Thermal Plasma Technology for Exhaust Gas Emission Control of Coal Fired Power Plants
- PP09 Oxidation and Reduction Processes during NOX Removal in N2 VII PAPERS/VII-ICESP P.pdf O2 with Corona Induced Non-thermal Plasma
- PP10 Performance of PPCP System
PP-3 Series – Plasma Process
- PP11 Application of Positive Pulsed Corona Discharge to Removal of SO2 and NOX
- PP12 2-D Numerical Simulation of NOX Chemical Reaction in the Pulse Corona Discharge Process
- PP13 SO2 and CO Removal Characteristics of Nonthermal Plasma Reactor in a Crossed DC Magnetic Field
- PP14 Development of a New Dry Desulfurization Process using a TiO2 Catalyst And a Non-Thermal Plasma Hybrid Reactor
- PP15 A New Type Nonthermal Plasma Generation Means Utilizing Ferroelectric Pellets
PP-4 Series – Plasma Process
- PP16 Studies of SO2 Conversion in Discharge with a Dielectric Barrier at an Alternating Polarity Form of the Impulse Voltage
- PP17 Non-thermal Plasma Processing of Flue Gas with Catalytic Reactions and Water Vapor
- PP18 Dynamic Behavior of the Corona Discharge in Air Abstract
- PP19 Negative Ion Chemistry of Air Cleaning Coaxial Wire-tube Electrostatic Precipitators
- PP20 The Modeling of the Removal of NOX/SO2 and VOC from Exhaust Gases By Pulse Corona and Barrier Discharges
EC-1 Series – Energization and Control
- EC01 A Novel and Versatile Switched Mode Power Supply for ESP?s
- EC02 Ador Powertron?s Efficient High Voltage Rectifier Systems for Electrostatic Precipitation
- EC03 The HVDC Current Source for ESP
- EC04 The Influence of Pulse Streamer Corona on Collecting Aerosol Particles
- EC05 A Study of Electrostatic Precipitator Using Pulse Energization for Collecting High Resistivity and Fine Particles
EC-2 Series – Energization and Control
- EC06 Improving Efficiency of ESP with the Magnitude-regulated and Phase-Shifting Power Supply
- EC07 ESP Efficiency Measurements with a Flexible Pulsed Power Supply
- EC08 Pulse Energization Solving Sinter Strand ESP Problems
- EC09 Development and Application of the LYC3-IV Type Multi-purpose Control Simulating Testing Unit for ESP
- EC10 Development on Simulating Software of High Voltage Energization System For Electrostatic Precipitator
EC-3 Series – Energization and Control
- EC11 On-line Precipitator Control with an Expert System
- EC12 Study on Training Simulator for Electrostatic Precipitator and its Running Mathematical Models
- EC 13 The Introduction and Development of an Automatic Pulse Repetition Frequency, Self Adjustment System for Precipitators Operating with the Presence of Back Ionization
OU-1 Series – Operation and Upgrade
- OU01 Rebuilding and Upgrading Electrostatic Precipitators A Consultant?s Perspective
- OU02 Boiler Leakage from Power Plant Cause the Effect to ESP
- OU03 Study on Design Parameters for Optimum Flow Distribution in an Electrostatic Precipitator
- OU04 Investigation of Pulse Energization and Agentless Conditioning at Pilot Electrostatic Precipitator of 300 MW Coal Fired Boiler
- OU05 The Performance and Application of Roof-mounted Electrostatic Precipitator
OU-2 Series – Operation and Upgrade
- OU06 Research and Use of Electrostatic Precipitator with Steel-Wire Brush
- OU07 New Technology Improves Electrostatic Precipitator Performance
- OU08 Industrial-Scale Study of a Retrofitted Electrostatic Precipitator
- OU09 Some Investigations on ESP Unit : Determination and Improvement of Collection Efficiency
- OU10 Recent Application of Moving-Electrode Type Electrostatic Precipitator
OU-3 Series – Operation and Upgrade
- OU11 Automated Cleaning of Electrostatic Precipitators
- OU12 Wet ESPs Status and Latest Development in the Field of Aerosol Collection
- OU13 Experimental Tracking of Dust Properties Related with ESP Performance Along Full Scale Units
- OU14 Colder Side Electrostatic Precipitator of Advanced Flue Gas Treatment System for Coal-fired Boiler
- OU15 Dual FGC Solving ESP Performance Problems
DE-1 Series – Design
- DE01 An Experimental Study of the Performance of the Electrostatic Precipitator With Assistant Collecting Electrodes
- DE02 Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Corona Discharge on Collecting Electrode of VX Type
- DE03 Research and Application of Multi-electric Field Vertical Electrostatic Precipitator
- DE04 Introduction of a Method and Device for the Electrical Charging and Separation Of Particles That Are Difficult to Separate from Gas Flow
- DE05 Effect of the Plate Spacing and Discharge Electrode Shape on the Efficiency Of Wide Plate Spacing Electrostatic Precipitator
DE-2 Series – Design
- DE06 Experimental Study of a Moving Electrode Electrostatic Precipitator
- DE07 Design of Electrostatic Precipitators after Pulverized Coat Boilers Firing Low Sulphur Coals
- DE08 Horizontal Discharge Electrodes in an Electrostatic Precipitator
- DE09 The Collection of Fine Particles by an Electrostatic Precipitator with Quadruple Pre-chargers
- DE10 Electrostatic Lentoid Precipitator and its Performance
DE-3 Series – Design
- DE11 Current Distribution and Re-entrainment of Low Cohesive Dust
- DE12 Study on Bi-Electrodes Alternative Discharge Multiple Cascade Impacting Electrostatic Precipitator
MN-1 Series – Modeling and Analysis
- MN01 Effect of Turbulence of Particle Transport inside a Wire-Cavity Plate Electrostatic Precipitator
- MN02 Computation of Turbulent EHD and Particulate Flows in Wire-plate Electrostatic Precipitators
- MN03 Electrohydrodynamic Modeling of Fine Particle Collection in Electrostatic Precipitators
- MN04 On the Modeling of Particle Transport in Electrostatic Precipitators
- MN05 Study on Electrode Configuration and Arrangement Inside ESP Using Numerical Simulation
MN-2 Series – Modeling and Analysis
- MN06 Some Aspects of Flow Skew Technology in ESP Performance Improvement
- MN07 Numerical Simulation of Screens in Electrostatic Precipitator Inlets
- MN08 ESP Performance Prediction and Flow Optimization Using CFD Modeling