ICESP XI – Hangzhou, China, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP). The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the title to view paper.
World-Wide Review:
- Development of Chinese Electrostatic Precipitator Technology
- Multi-pollutants Simultaneous Removals from Flue Gas
- Some Technical Idea Evolutions Concerned with Electrostatic Precipitators in China
- Enhancement of Collection Efficiencies of Electrostatic Precipitators: Indian Experiments
Fundamentals and Mechanical Design:
- Modeling Mercury Capture within ESPs: Continuing Development and Validation
- Reduction of Rapping Losses to Improve ESP Performance
- Advanced Risk Analysis for the Application of ESP-s to Clean Flammable Gas-pollutant Mixtures
- ESP for Small Scale Wood Combustion
- Dust flow Separator Type Electrostatic Precipitator for a Particulate Matter Emission Control from Natural Gas Combustion
- Electrostatic Precipitator: The Next Generation
- Current Density and Efficiency of a Novel lab ESP for Fine Particles Collection
- Five Stages Electrostatic Precipitator Principles and Application
- Application of STAAD in ESP structure design
- Electric Resistance of Boiler Flue Gases and Collection Efficiency of ESP
- Non-static Collection Process of the Electrostatic Precipitator
- Study of Using Mixed Discharge Electrodes and Mixed Spacing of Pole to Pole for Electrostatic Precipitator
- Experimental Investigation on the Collection of Fine Dust with High Resistivity by a Bipolar Discharging ESP
- Designing ESP Systemically to Reduce Dust Emission
- Research on Vibration Period Optimization of Electrostatic Precipitator
- Study on the Dust Removal Efficiency Formula of EP with Efficiency Enhancing and Energy-saving
- Research and Application of the Extensive Resistivity and Efficient Electrostatic Precipitator
- Application and Research on Technology of Longking Brand BEL Model ESP
- Electrode Shape and collector plate Spacing Effects on ESP Performance
- Resistance and Airflow Distribution of Rotary Plate
- Onset Voltage of Corona in Electrostatic Filters as Influenced by Gas Flow
- An Initial Exploration for Coulomb ESP
Aerodynamic Effects and ESP Models:
- Effect of the EHD Flow on Particle Surface Charging and the Collection Efficiency of Submicron and Ultrafine dust Particles in Wire-plate Type Electrostatic Precipitators
- Electrohydrodynamic Turbulent Flow in a wide wIre-plate Electrostatic Precipitator Measured by 3D PIV Method
- Applying Numerical Simulation on Air Pollution Control Equipment
- CFD Simulation of Electrostatic Precipitators and Fabric Filters State of the Art and Applications
- Numerical Modeling of the Electro-hydrodynamics in a Hybrid Particulate Collector
- CFD Numerical Simulation of ESP Airflow Distribution and Application of Flue Gas Distribution
- Study and Application of Numerical Calculation Method for Gas Flow Distribution of Large Scale Electrostatic Precipitator
- Experimental Study on Optimization of Electric Field Performance for Electrostatic Precipitator by Using Finite Element Method
- Analytical study on ZT Collecting Electrode
- Model EE I Technology in 1#125 MW Unit of Electrostatic Precipitator Application for GUODIAN Kaili Power Plant
- Model EE II Technology in 2#600 MW Unit of Electrostatic Precipitator Application for GUODIAN Kaili Power Plant
- Numerical Simulation of Influence of Baffler in Electric Field Entrance to Form Skewed Gas Flow
- A numerical Simulation for Predicting Influence of Flow Pattern in Electrostatic Precipitator on Exit Re-entrainment Loss
Fine-Particles and Their Agglomeration:
- Research Progress of the Control Technology of the PM10 from Combustion Sources
- Enhanced Fine Particle and Mercury Emission Control Using the Indigo Agglomerator
- Emission Reductions at a Chinese Power Station
- On-line Measurement of Hazardous Fine Particles for the Future APC Technology
- A Novel Method for Particle Sampling and Size-classified Electrical Charge Measurement at Power Plant Environment
- Agglomeration Modelling of Sub-micron Particle During Coal Combustion Based on the Flocculation Theory
- Integrated Control of Submicron Particles and Toxic Trace Elements by ESPs Combined with Chemical Agglomeration
- Electrostatic Capture of PM2.5 Emitted from Coal-fired Power Plant by Pulsed Corona Discharge Combined with DC Agglomeration
- An Approximate Expression for the Coagulation coeFficient of Bipolar-charged Particles in an Alternating Electric field
- Improving Nano-particle Collection Efficiency and Suppressing Particle re-entrainment in an AC Electrostatic Precipitator with Hole-punched Electrode
Electrical Operation and Power Sources:
- Precipitator Performance Improvements and Energy Savings Based on IGBT Inverter Technology
- Performance Enhancements Achieved with High Frequency Switch Mode Power Supplies
- High Frequency Power Supply Operation on Hot-Side ESP
- Industrial Applications of Three-phase T/R for Upgrading ESP Performance
- Industrial Applications of a New AVC for Upgrading ESP to Save Energy and Improve Efficiency
- Highly efficient switch-mode 100 KV, 100 KW power supply for ESP applications
- The Crystal Ball Gazing with Electrostatic Precipitators: V-I Curves Analysis.
- New Automatic Voltage Control Designs for Enhanced ESP Systems Integration, Improved Reliability, Safety and Troubleshooting Capabilities
- Another Concept of Three Phase High Frequency High Voltage Supply
- Development and Application Features of High Power High Frequency Power Supply for ESP
- The Application Strategy of Three-phase HV Power Supply for Special Working Condition
- Applying the Technology of Compounded Type Power Control Rapping to Reduce the Outlet Emission Concentration
- Study on Efficiency Enhancing and Energy Saving of High Voltage Power Supply of EP
- Serial/Parallel Resonant Converter (SPRC) in ESP Power
- The Development And Application of an Energy Saving System Based on the Optimal Control and Multi-parameter Feedback
- Query on the Sustainable Development of Traditional Dust Precipitation Using Optimal Electric Spark Rate
- Comparative Study of Distribution of Collecting Plate Current Density on Electrostatic Precipitations with High Direct Current and Pulse Power Supply
- Development of Energy Saving and Efficiency Enhancing Electrostatic Precipitator Power Supply Control Equipment
- Research on High Frequency Switched HV Power Supplies for ESP
- Design of Switch Mode Power Supply for ESP
- Research and Application of Automatic Control Technology of Back Corona
- The Research on Three-phase Medium-frequency DC High-voltage Power
- Investigation of Current Density Distribution Model for Barb-plate ESP
- SLC500 Programmerable Logic Controller Hot Standby Two-node Cluster
- Evaluation of HV Power Source for ESP
- V-I characteristic Principle of Electrostatic Precipitator
- Enhanced Fine Particle Collection by the Application of SMPS Energization
- Two ESP Power Supply Patent Technologies
Flue Gas Conditioning and Back Corona:
- Particulate and Mercury Emissions Control by Non-traditional Conditioners
- Flue Gas Conditioning
- Modeling of Back Corona in Pulse Energized ?Multizone? Precipitators
- Some Investigations on Fly Ash Resistivity Generated in Indian Power Plants
- Enhancing ESP Efficiency for High Resistive Fly Ash by Reducing Flue Gas Temperature
- The Technical and Economical Analysis on the Application of FGC in Large Scale Coal-fired Units
Upgrading of Existing Electrostatic Precipitator:
- Advanced Methods of Upgrading Electrostatic Precipitators
- Challenges for Reduction in Emission in Old Electrostatic Precipitators at Lower Cost
- Least Cost to Maximise Dust Collection in Electrostatic Precipitators
- ESP Renovation in Da Wukou Power Plant, Ningxia
Hybrid ESP & FF Precipitation:
- Cost Effectively increasing the Filtration Area in Fabric Filters for Large Power Plants
- Long-term COHPAC Baghouse Performance at Alabama Power CompanyS E. C. Gaston Units 2&3
- Study of the Use of Bag Filters in Hot Gas Filtration Applications: Pilot Plant Experiences
- The R&D and Application of Electrostatic-fabric Organic Integrated Precipitator in China
- Research on Performance of Electrostatic-bag Precipitator with Comparative Industrial Tests
- A Discussion on the ESP-FF Hybrid Precipitator
- Collection of High Concentration of Desulfurized Dust with ESP & FF
- Application of ESP and Fabric Filter in Power Plants in China
- Application of Electrostatic Fabric Hybrid Particulate Collector
- Application of ControlLogix in Remote Monitoring System of ESP-FF Hybrid Precipitator
- Numerical simUlation on a Hybrid Electrostatic-bag Precipitator
Wet Electrostatic Precipitation:
- Evaluation of Corrosion-Resistant Alloys for Wet Electrostatic Precipitator
- Wet ESP for the Collection of Sub-micron Particles, Mists, and Air Toxics
Industrial Applications for Coal-fired Boilers:
- A Discussion about Strategy of Flue Gas Dust Removal for Indian Coal Fired Boiler
- Assessment of Hot ESPs as Particulate Collector for Oxy-coal Combustion and CO2 Capture
- Recent Application and Running Cost of Moving Electrode Type Electrostatic Precipitator
- Retrofit of Capacity Expansion for ESPs of Boiler 2# of Aiyis power Plant in Jiaozuo
- Study on Improving the Performance of Electrostatic Precipitator in the Large-scale Semi-dry Flue Gas Desulfurization System
- Analysis and Countermeasures for Fly-ash Feature from Zhungeer Coal with Electrostatic Precipitation
- High Dust Concentration ESP for Coal-fired Boiler of 300 MW Generator
- ESP Application on Combustion of High-sulfur Heavy Crude Oil
- Regarding the Selection, Operation and Maintenance of Booster Fan
- The Application Practices of the Double-zone ESP in Coal-fired power Plant
Industrial Applications for Steel Industries:
- Successful Application of Longking Bf-ESP Technology in Brazil GA Steel Plant
- Characteristics and Technical Improvement Investigation of Electrostatic Precipitator before Sintering Machine
- Testing and Analysis of Coal Gas Dehydration Equipment in Combined Cycle Power Plant
FGD and SCR for Coal-fired Power Plants:
- Development of New Gas Cleaning System with Salt Solution Spray
- Numerical Investigation of the Entire Boiler System with SCR De-NOx Reactor
- Research on Complex Multi-pollutants Control Technology in a Large-scale Coal-fired Power Plant
- New Concept of CFB Boiler with FGD
- Dry FGD Technology Research and Application in Steel Sintering
- Design and Application of Inlet nozzle of Dry Desulphurization ESP
- The Proposal Comparison of Absorbent Preparation System of Wet Limestone-gypsum Flue Gas Desulphurization Process
- Economic Analysis of Wet Flue Gas Desulphurization Project Operation
- Discussion on the Mechanism of Semi-dry Desulphurization
- Analysis on Chimney Inner Wall Anti-corrosion in GGH Eliminated Wet Desulfurization System
- Simultaneous Removal of SO2 and NO2 by Wet Scrubbing Using Limestone Slurry
- Study on Mid-temperature SCR DeNOx Catalyst under High SO2 and CaO
- Research and Application of Numerical Calculation Methods in SCR DeNOx Reactor & Duct Design
- Retrofit project of 2?100 MW Units in Yushe Power Plant, Shanxi Province Using Tow Boilers-one CFB FGD
- Design and Application of the Dry-FGD Process in Sanming Steel No.2 Sintering Plant
- The Fouling Characteristics and Comparative Analysis of Cleaning Technology of SCR
Non-Thermal Plasmas:
- AC/DC Power Modulation for Corona Plasma Generation
- Development of the PPCP Technology in IEPE
- Non-thermal Plasma Processing for Dilute VOCs Decomposition Combined with the Catalyst
- Performance Characteristics of Pilot-scale NOx Removal from Boiler Emission Using Plasma-chemical Process
- Experimental Investigation on Styrene Emission with a 1000m3 /h Plasma System
- Streamer Corona Plasmas and NO Removal
- Influence of Ratio of NO/NO2 on NOx Removal Using DBD with Urea Solution
- Catalysis-assisted Decomposition of Aqueous 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene by Pulsed High Voltage Discharge Process
- Plasma-catalytic Removal of Formaldehyde in Atmospheric Pressure Gas Streams
- Relationship between Discharge Electrode Geometry and Ozone Concentration in Electrostatic Precipitator
- Study of Carbon Monoxide Oxidation by Discharge
- Application of a Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor for Diesel PM Removal
- Catalyst Size Impact on Non-thermal Plasma Catalyst Assisted DeNOx Reactors
- The Study on Series of Copper Catalyst in the Reactor of Dielectric Barrier Discharge to Remove NOx
- VOC Removal Using Adsorption and Surface Discharge
- A Novel Concept of Remediation of Polluted Streams Using High Energy Density glow Discharge (HEDGe)
- Gaseous Elemental Mercury Oxidation by Non-thermal Plasma
- A Multiple-switch Technology for High-power Pulse Discharging
- Humidity and Oxygen Effects on Dimethyl Sulfide Decomposition by a Plasma Corona Reactor
- The Mechanism of Naphthalene Decomposition in Corona Radical Shower System by DC Discharge
- Surface Modification of Polestar Fabrics by Non- thermal Plasma for Improving Hydrophilic Properties
- Predictive Model of Nonequiliburium Plasma Decontamination Efficiency for Gaseous Pollutant
Applied Electrostatics:
- Application Study of Electrostatic Precipitation with Earthed Atomizing Discharges
- Integrated Clarification Technology for De-dusting, Desulfurization and Odor Elimination
- Introduction of High Precision Charging Technique Applied in Pulsed Magnetron Modulator for Industrial Computerized Tomography System
- Discrepant ESD-CDM Test System and Failure Yield Prediction between ESD Association and JEDEC Standards