Wroclaw, Poland, 2016

session 1: Fundamentals I
- Flow structures of an electrohydrodynamic two-phase fluid flow in a needle-to-plate negative DC corona discharge.
- Analysis of particle trajectory in nanosecond pulsed DBD-ESP using time-resolved particle image velocimetry.
- For further development of ESPs.
- Nanoparticle and fine particle collection efficiency using an electrostatic precipitator: a description of the specific physical processes
session 2: HV power supplies I
- An optimized control strategy applied to high-power high-frequency series-parallel esonant convertor operating under CCM.
- Emission reduction with three phase technology.
- GE Power environmental products, systems and services today. - Paper Unavailable
- Abatement of particulate emission with only changes in ESP Energization with case studies across the globe
session 3: Hybrid ESPs and fabric filters
- The conversion of the electrostatic precipitator on the pulse jet bag filter especially in the aspect of heavy metals removal.
- Performance of an electrostatic cyclone in removing of airborne particles and in decomposition of NOx.
- Research on technical route of flue gas ultra-low emission for coal-fired power plant.
- Fabric filter solutions with very long bags for power plants and industrial applications.
session 4: Fundamentals II
- Adaptation aspects of an existing electrostatic precipitators for operation in a new conditions.
- Mercury removal in semi-dry flue gas desulphurization installations equipped with bag filters.
- Experimental study of high resistivity particles collection using an electrostatic precipitator in wire-to-cylinder configuration.
- Relation between gas velocity profile and apparent migration velocity in electrostatic precipitators
session 5: Wet ESPs
- Application of wet electrostatic precipitator in 1000 MW coal-fired power plant.
- Continuous measurement/analysis of plastic WESP operating currents.
- Wet ESP technology and its application in coal-fired power plant.
- Latest circumstances of electrostatic precipitator for coal-fired boiler plants in japan and in several other countries.
session 6: Coal, biomass and fly ash
- Fly ash resistivity and aerosol formation for non-woody biomass combustion applications related to electrostatic precipitation.
- Fly ash resistivity with injected reagents and predicted impacts on electrostatic precipitators.
- Wet ESP technology and its application in coal-fired power plant.
- No-ohmic properties of highly resistive dust layers – experimental studies and numerical modelling under OpenFOAM.
- Smal l size precipitator for domestic biomass-furnaces.
session 7: Submicron particle collection and mercury separation
- Co-benefit of catalytic denitrification for reduction of mercury emissions.
- Coupled trace gas adsorption mechanisms within ESPs: promotion and inhibition of mercury removal.
- Update on in-mill mineral removal to reduce furnace emissions and operating costs.
- NOx and SOx simultaneous removal from exhaust gas in a glass melting furnace using a combined ozone injection and chemical hybrid process.
session 8: Submicron particle collection and separation
- Modern electrostatic precipitators: getting a second wind. - Paper Unavailable
- Recent experiences of upgrading electrostatic precipitators for P10 and PM2.5 emission control from coal-fired power plan.
- Submicron particles emission control by electrostatic agglomeration.
- Application of a pressurized electrostatic precipitator for control of submicrometer particles.
session 9: ESP related means of air pollution control
- Modern solutions for flue gas cleaning systems - AFAKO's experience . - Paper Unavailable
- Hybrid filtration of sinter plant process fumes.
- Ultra-clean electrostatic-fabric integrated precipitator technology realizes ultra-low emission .
- SO 2 removal in pulse energized electrostatic precipitator with heat exchanger for marine diesel.
session 10:Numerical modelling and computer simulation
- Study of the effect of the stiffness of the anvil beam for vibration propagation in the system of collecting electrodes.
- Num erical simulation of the airflow distribution of WESP.
- Progress of experimental and numerical modelling study on low-low temperature electrostatic precipitators.
- CO 2 methanation system for electricity storage through SNG production. - Paper Unavailable
session 11:HV power supplies II
- A review of different types of power supplies for ESP-energization with respect to ESP performance and mains interaction.
- Application of multi-phase HV rectifiers in electrostatic precipitators.
- Energy optimization in ESP with advanced control system.
- Implementing ESP upgrades thru modern power supply technologies.