ICESP V – Washington, DC USA, 1993

The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP). The following is a list of papers from the V ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
Status and future of ESP and FF:
- ESPS in the 21ST Century: Extinction or Evolution
- Forecast and Markets for Particulate Control Systems
- It Aint Necessarily So
U.S. Clean Air Act and Particulate Control:
- The Conemaugh Station Precipitators: A Tale of Alternatives
- Performance of ESPs with Small SCAs in Spray Dryer Retrofit Applications
- The Electrostatic Precipitator Will Meet Standards
- Experimental Results on ESP Pulse Energization with Furnace Sorbent Injection
- Experience with Electrostatic Precipitators Downstream of Spray Absorbers for SO2-Separation
- Economic Evaluation of Electrostatic Precipitator Retrofit Options
ESP User experience and field studies:
- Refurbishment of Baldwin Units #1 and #2 Electrostatic Precipitators
- Replacement of Precipitator Internals, Big Bend Unit 1, Tampa Electric Company
- Cold-Side Conversion of Council Bluffs Energy Center Unit 3 Precipitator
- Experiences with Particulate Controls at PSI Cayuga Station During Test Burn with Low-Sulfur Eastern Coal
- First ESP with Wide Plate Spacing Applied to a Cyclone-Fired Boiler
Ash properties and particulate collector performance:
- Effect of Coal Mineralogy on the Effectiveness of particulate Control Devices in Coal-Fired Power Plants
- Catalytic Conversion of Native Sulfur Dioxide in Flue Gas for Resistivity Conditioning
- Traditional Versus Non-Traditional Flue Gas Conditioning for ESPs
- Resistivity Conditioning of AFBC Generated Ash
- A Case Study for Sulfuric Acid FGC at Nova Scotia Power, Trenton Unit No. 5
- A Novel, Energy-Efficient Flue Gas Conditioning Process
ESP enerigization and control strategies:
- Intermittent Energization with High Fly Ash Resistivity
- Pulse Energization ESP for Fly Ash from Fluidized-Bed Combustors
- 700MW Hot-Side ESP Performance Improvement by Optimizing Energizing Conditions
Electrostatic Precipitation Model development and pilot-scale research:
- Prelec: A Mathematical Model of Electrostatic Precipitation
- Influence of the Electrode Geometry and of the Operating Characteristics on the Efficiency of Electrostatic Precipitators
- An Evaluation and Comparison of the EPRI ESPMGEMS Electrostatic Precipitator Performance Model with Field Data and Other Models
- Grade Efficiency and Eddy Diffusivity Models
- Laboratory Tests for the Study of Fluid Flow and Corona Characterization Inside Wire-Plate Structures of Electrostatic Precipitators
Electrostatic Precipitation Fundamentals:
- An Examination of the Full Electrostatic Precipitation Process for the Cleaning of Gases
- Electrostatic Precipitator Penetration Function for Pulverized Coal Combustion Aerosols
- A Numerical Procedure for Computing the Voltage-Current Characteristics in ESP Configurations
- Electrically Stimulated Agglomeration at an Earthed Surface
- Submicron Particle Agglomeration by an Electrostatic Agglomerator
Control of gaseous pollutants with electrostatics:
- Heterogeneous Reaction in Removal of SO2 and NOx from Flue Gas by Corona Discharge
- Novel Plasma Chemical Technologies-PPCP and SPCP-for Control of Gaseous Pollutants and Air Toxics
- Application of Low Temperature Plasmas Produced by Pulse Corona to Flue Gas Cleaning Processes
- High Voltage Nanosecond Pulse Discharge System for Removing SO2 and NOx in Flue Gas
Advances in ESP technology:
- Development of Advanced Dust Collecting System for Coal-Fired Power Plant
- Experience with Baffle-Free Collecting Plates in an Electrostatic Precipitator
- Experimental Study of Flow Diversion During the Rapping of Collector Plates Inside and Electrostatic Precipitator
- Application of Wet-Type Precipitator for Utilities Coal-Fired Boiler
- A Mathematical Model for Simulation of Large-Scale Electrostatic Precipitators
- The Performance of a Pilot-Scale Electrostatic Precipitator Using Continuous, Intermittent and Pulsed Energization