ICESP XIII – Bangalore, India, 2013

The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP). The following is a list of papers from the XIII ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the title to view paper.

session 1: esp design and upgrade i:
session 2: esp design and upgrade ii:
session 3: esp performance enhancement:
session 4: numerical simulation:
session 5: hv power supplies and electrical operation i:
session 6: hv power supplies and electrical operation ii:
session 7: hv power supplies and electrical operation iii:
session 8: industrial application:
session 9: hybrid esp and fabric filter precipitation i:
session 10: hybrid esp and fabric filter precipitation ii:
session 11: flue gas conditioning:
session 12: flue gas conditioning:
session 13: gaseous discharges & nonthermal plasma applications: